Sac City IA Dentist | Men: Here’s What You Need to Know About Keeping Your Mouth Healthy

May 25, 2020
Sac City IA Dentist

Men, dental examinations and treatment are important for you, too. Did you know according to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), by age 72 men lose an average of 5 teeth? That number jumps to 12 if you are also a smoker. Here’s what you need to know about keeping your mouth healthy. Follow these […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | Health Link: Oral Hygiene and Heart Disease

May 19, 2020
Sac City IA Dentist

The human body is a network of interconnected systems and organs. Unfortunately, issues that impact one particular area of your body can also effect the health and function of other areas. Recently, studies have highlighted evidence for links between gum disease and heart disease. While the exact nature of the connection is still being researched, […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | The Truth About Dental Anxiety

April 20, 2020
Sac City IA Dentist

Is anxiety or nervousness preventing you from visiting our team? Dental treatments should not be a cause of stress. If you worry about pain, embarrassment, or loss or control during a dental examination, we want you to know two very important things: You are not alone and We can help. Dental Anxiety Is Common Research […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | Be Wary of These Beverages

April 10, 2020
Sac City IA Dentist

It’s common knowledge that plenty of beverages are not good for your health. The excessive amounts of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol found in a lot of popular drinks have well-documented impacts on your body. However, you may not be aware of the immediate impacts that these beverages can have on your teeth. Below is a […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | 5 Teeth Sensitivity Myths

March 20, 2020
Sac City IA Dentist

Do you suffer from regular sensitivity? Teeth sensitivity is often misunderstood, but our dental team can help you find relief. We’re here to separate the fact from fiction in sensitivity. MYTH: People’s teeth are supposed to hurt when they bite into cold or hot foods. Feelings of sensitivity when eating hot or cold foods should […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | Ow! Your Guide to Canker Sores

March 10, 2020
Sac City IA Dentist

A canker sore can make eating, drinking, and talking difficult and even painful. Maintaining your oral health by brushing and flossing may also be difficult with a sore in your mouth, but keeping up with your daily oral hygiene routine is an important step in the healing process. We’ve put together a short guide to […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | How Pregnancy Affects Your Oral Health

February 17, 2020
Sac City IA Dentist

During pregnancy, it is essential that you don’t neglect your oral health. A fluctuation in hormones can cause drastic changes in your mouth. Oral health complications have been linked to increased risk in other significant overall health issues. Here are the most common oral health problems, how they can affect your pregnancy, and how to […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | I Chipped a Tooth! What Can I Do?

January 8, 2020
If you have chipped your tooth, there’s no need to panic. Here are a few things we can do to restore your beautiful smile:

It usually starts pretty innocently. You’re biting into your favorite hard candy and suddenly you realize that there’s one little hard piece in your mouth you can’t seem to dissolve. You check it out and fear overcomes you when you see it’s a little chipped piece of a tooth. Enamel may be one of the […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | Oral Cancer Risk Factors

December 4, 2019
Sac City IA Dentist | Oral Cancer Risk Factors

During a comprehensive dental examination, our team will look for signs of oral cancer. Early detection is key with oral cancer. If caught early, most forms of oral cancer are treatable. Our dental team is trained and educated to identify oral cancer. Everyone is susceptible to the disease, but some groups of people are at […]

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Sac City IA Dentist | Dentistry – Past, Present, and Future

November 19, 2019
Sac City IA Dentist | Dentistry - Past, Present, and Future

“Tooth worms” are the cause of tooth decay. That was the headline of a Sumerian text from around 5,000 B.C.E. Fortunately, the dental industry has evolved since then and we know “tooth worms” don’t exist. Here’s how dentistry has evolved into the comfortable, safe, and beneficial science of today. In the Beginning Did you know […]

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Dentist Sac City

Sac City Location

110 South 6th Street,
Sac City, IA 50583

(712) 662-4766

Family First Dental - Dr. R. Louie Ching

Our Dental News

Dentist Sac City

Protecting Your Heart: Understanding the Connection Between Gum Disease and Heart Health | Sac City Dentist

At Family 1st Dental, your trusted dentist in Sac City, we’re committed to educating our patients about the vital link between oral health and overall wellness. While heart disease remains a prevalent health concern, many are unaware of the significant […]

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The Mouth-Body Connection: How Oral Health Impacts Overall Wellness | Dentist Sac City

At Family 1st Dental, your trusted dentist in Sac City, we emphasize the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene not just for your smile but for your overall health. Research has revealed a direct link between oral health and systemic […]

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Discovering Flossing Alternatives for a Radiant Smile with Family 1st Dental in Sac City

Flossing often ranks as a dental habit many struggle to adopt, whether due to difficulty maneuvering traditional thread floss, its messiness, or its time-consuming nature. However, both The American Dental Association (ADA) and our team at Family 1st Dental in […]

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